8 Step Guide to Losing Fat Forever

8 Step Guide to Losing Fat Forever.

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Written By Christopher Corden

662 Words – 2 Minutes & 30 Seconds Read Time

here are more than likely hundreds of ways you can lose weight, some work well, others work okay, and most are sold are poorly designed, badly applied and unsustainable. Nobody wants to lose weight to gain it back again, unfortunately, this happens quite a lot. Diets don’t work long term. Here is a science-based approach to weight loss. It is one of the most difficult ways, however, it is close to the most accurate.
Losing body fat, not just total weight, should always be your goal.

Step 1

Measure your height. Measure your weight. – using these, calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) – This is the number of calories you burn throughout the day, if you don’t currently exercise, but work on your feet, select light exercise. Although doing it this way isn’t 100% accurate, it is a lot cheaper and still a close measurement/baseline. https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=metric&age=22&g=male&cm=170&kg=72&act=1.2&bf=18&f=1 TDEE Calculator.

Step 2

Calculate your body fat percentage. Measure your neck, hips and waist with a measuring tape (you’ll need your height/age too) – this will give you a reading of your fat mass in percentage. Your goal should be to aim for below 18% bodyfat minimum for men and women, with more accurate goals being sub 15% for men, and sub 17% for women.
http://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy  Body Fat Calculator.


Step 3

Track your food intake. This is arguably one of the harder parts (ignoring exercising). An app like MyFitnessPal will help and also do some of the above calculations for you if you want to skip the above steps, but the figures may vary. There is an iOS and Android App. You will 100% need a food scale. If you aren’t measuring your food intake, its incredibly difficult to know how many calories you’re consuming. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/

Step 4

Create a Calorie Deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than you need. If you need 2000 per day, measuring your food, you calculate you’ve taken in 1900, for that day you have a calorie deficit of 100 calories. This would be a rather small deficit, and weight loss would take quite a long time. However, your current “diet” may not need to change much to suit it. A calorie deficit of between 500-300 works best without being excessively low.

Step 5

Recalculate your calories while you lose weight. If you weigh less, you need fewer calories. However, the more you train, the more calories you will burn. If you burn more daily, for example, 2000 normally, but 2400 training, that would mean 1900 calories creates a 500-calorie deficit rather than 100. Increase your calories by 100-200 on days you train. Similarly, as you build muscle, your weight might go up, but you will have a lower percentage of body fat. More food + less body fat? Hell yes.

Step 6

Join a gym or start doing exercise at home. Do some exercise you enjoy. Ideally whole-body training. Losing fat sucks but losing muscle and strength sucks more. The last thing anyone wants is to reach their desired weight and still be unhealthy. Train your muscles so that when you hit your goal, you feel stronger, you look better and you’re healthier. Your total weight (scales weight) is an awful representation of your body. Body fat percentage and measurements show a much clearer picture. https://www.thinkinglifter.com/how-to-start-going-to-the-gym/

Step 7

Keep track of your measurements. Weight/bodyfat %. Measure yourself at least once a week to keep an eye on your progress. You will be surprised how your weight can stay level, while your waistline decreases. There are lots of apps to help you record and create helpful graphs to see your progress.

Step 8

Be very patient. This isn’t a 12-week process. This is a learning process. Real change can take anywhere from 1 year to 10 years. That’s not a reason to quit. Expect hiccups, do research. Learn how to control your body in a way that works for you. What’s sustainable long term will always work best.


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